Recent safe driver training held in Withcott (near Gatton in the Lockyer Valley in Qld) funded by IMAN
David Abel showing off his driving skills at the PALM Scheme Safe Driver Training course held recently in Withcott in Qld.
Murrakei Farms’ Tongan team tackles the cold at the top of kunanyi (Mt Wellington) in Hobart
The Tongan team from Murrakei Farms on a visit to kunanyi (Mt Wellington) in Hobart, June 2022.
Approved Employers COVID-19 Risk Mitigation and Emergency Response Procedure
The objective of the AEA COVID-19 Risk Mitigation and Emergency Response Procedure is to provide AEA members with the framework for mitigating risk of infection and transmission as well as clear guidelines for responding to a positive COVID-19 identification
AEA First Workshop
The Approved Employers of Australia took the lead by holdings its first workshop with the Labour Sending Units (LSU’s) and key Government Departments. DFAT and the PLF…
Hillwood Berries Tasmania
Hillwood Berries Pty Ltd has grown so large that its white tunnels can now been seen from the East Tamar Highway.
The true benefits of the Seasonal Worker Program
Earlier this year 2PH sent me to Tonga with a representative from the company.
Labour Sending Units Learning Workshop
Seasonal Worker Program Implementation Arrangements are in place between the Australian Government and the Labour Sending Units.
AEA Submission New Deed & Guidelines
Revised timeframe to review the new Deed & Guidelines.
Notes on a visit to PLMAM
Two sites were visited, a glasshouse capsicum facility in the South and a glasshouse tomato facility in the North. The following observations are worth noting.